Here is the extract of my 3x great-grandfather's birth certificate:
As you can see, when my 3x great-grandfather was registered, he did not yet have a forename. Of course, I know the name his parents later give him; John.
Interestingly, there's another box at the end which is headed "Baptismal Name, if added after Registration of Birth," which is left blank.
Burton is a small place, just south of Bamburgh on the Northumbrian coast. it can still be found on Google Maps, and shows it has a perfect view of Bamburgh Castle.
I have this rather funny image of my 4x great-grandmother going to Belford Registry Office, babe in arms, while her husband is out in the nearby fields. On arriving, she suddenly realises that they haven't yet decided on a name for the baby, so leaves the name blank, to be filled in at a later date. It never is!
I have ordered two other certificates which shall hopefully arrive in the coming days, and I look forward to seeing them.